Privacy Policy | CapCover

Privacy Policy

PRIVACY POLICY:, has created this privacy statement in order to demonstrate our firm commitment to privacy issues.
At, we are very committed to your privacy, so…here is our privacy promise to you: will never sell, exchange, or release any of your individual personal information to a third party without your expressed permission.

INFORMATION WE MAY COLLECT: may, in addition to information received within our Order Forms, conduct online surveys or run a contest for promotional purposes, during which, we may ask users for contact information (like e-mail addresses) and demographic information (like zip code, age, etc.). We use contact data to send our customers information about our company and products and, of course, to notify people if they win a contest.

We understand, though, that you may want to participate in these surveys or contests but may not want us to send you e-mail.

As part of these surveys or contests, or other communications, we will always give you the option of declining to receive information from

If you don’t want to receive e-mail, just let us know, and we won’t send it. Simple as that!

Like other web sites, your IP number is visible to us when you visit our web site. What is an IP address? It is a number automatically assigned to your computer whenever you’re connected to the Internet. Your IP number is visible to most of the websites that you visit. Don’t worry, though, at, we don’t use IP numbers. Other sites may use your IP number for marketing purposes. We don’t.


If you have any questions about this privacy statement, the practices of this site, or your dealings with, please contact:

National Home Care Products Co., Inc.
P.O.Box 350742 Westminster, Colorado 80035-0742
303-438-0906 | FAX: 303-438-8776 |